Answered By: University Libraries
Last Updated: May 27, 2022     Views: 66

To access the library databases, go to You should see a gray bar across the middle of the page that says: Books and More, Databases, Journals/E-Books, Research Guides and Interlibrary Loan.


  • Books and More is where you can search for books that we have in the library.
  • Databases is what you will use the most often to search for scholarly articles. When you click on it, you should see a drop down box where you could limit to a specific subject, such as Education or English, to narrow down some of the databases.  There are also some multisubject databases, such as Academic Search Premier or Proquest that may be of some help.  Do note that you will need to sign on when you select a database. Your username should be your firstname.lastname and the password is the same as your email. 
  • The Journals and E-Books tab is helpful if you have a specific article you are trying to find but do not know which database it is in. Just type in the name of the journal and hit search to see what databases contain that journal.
  • Research Guides has some helpful information for specific classes or citation.
  • Lastly, the Interlibrary Loan is a way to loan in articles or books that we do not have access to. This is a free process.  Books are sent to USD where you can pick them up and articles are emailed to you.